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Search our clearinghouse of strategies, best practices, and promising practices for implementing policy, systems, and environmental change on the local level.

Become an advocate for healthier communities.

Decision-makers listen to their constituents’ concerns. By being a Wholespire advocate, you have a greater voice at the State House and in your community. We also provide advocacy training to groups who want to learn how to strengthen their voice.

We provide communities with proven and sustainable approaches that lead to increased access to healthy choices for ALL people. We want informed influencers and empowered communities who work together to ensure an equitable South Carolina, where everyone has access to healthy choices.

Why is community feedback an important piece of PSE change?
Why is community feedback an important piece of PSE change?

Change can be difficult for many people to accept, especially when they are unaware of the plans to create change or have not been asked for their input. By not involving the people impacted by the change, you risk alienating community members, losing support for...

PSE Simplified: Determining if your project is a PSE change or program
PSE Simplified: Determining if your project is a PSE change or program

Wholespire provides grant opportunities to communities across South Carolina for implementing a policy, system or environmental (PSE) change project. It’s a concept that can be challenging to explain and understand. To prepare you for any upcoming grant opportunities...

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