Media Coverage
Press Releases
Data Sources
Media Contacts
Media Coverage
Students spend spring break at SC State House to highlight important cause to them
WIS TV Columbia
Camden resident working to bring life back to local park
WLTX News 19 Columbia
Upgrades, activities aplenty at Knights Hill Park
Chronicle-Independent, Camden
Data shows one in seven kids in South Carolina is not properly nourished. Can lawmakers change that?
The Charleston Press
Advocates urge lawmakers to enact ban on ‘meal shaming’ in S.C. schools
WIS-TV Columbia
Advocates urge lawmakers to enact ban on ‘meal shaming’ in SC schools
WCSC Live 5 News Charleston
Data Sources
Media Contacts
State Data
South Carolina Trails provides detailed information on trails throughout South Carolina. Additional resources and contacts can be found on the website.
South Carolina Farmers Markets & Roadside Markets
Find SC Certified farmers markets, roadside markets, and other great agricultural resources around the state, including contact information for partnerships and media interviews.
County Profiles Dashboard
The SCDHEC website features interactive maps that highlight county-level data related to health and environmental conditions.
SC FitnessGram
SC FitnessGram is a statewide movement to evaluate and improve health-related fitness among public school students in South Carolina. State and local data reports are available.
Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity Prevention
The Division aims to improve access to healthier foods and opportunities for daily physical activity through policy, systems, and environmental approaches. Learn more about their work.
Live Healthy South Carolina
Access the South Carolina State Health Improvement Plan, community feedback used to create the plan and data related to all of the priority areas.
Healthy Palmetto
Healthy Palmetto is the state coalition of organizations that collectively addresses healthy eating, active living, and healthy weight for the SC State Health Improvement Plan. Access fact sheets and other data related to all of their priorities and partners involved in this work.
National Data
Global Data
Global Data is a data and analytics provider. Access Obesity’s Impact on South Carolina’s Economy and Labor Force, their study on the economic and workforce implications of obesity in the State of South Carolina, as well as the impact on state tax revenue collections and costs. The analysis focuses on adults who are currently part of the workforce or would have been in the workforce if they did not have obesity.
The State of Childhood Obesity
A project of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, The State of Childhood Obesity collects the best-available data on childhood obesity rates, synthesizes and makes recommendations on key policies to prevent obesity, and highlights stories of action from across the country. Find South Carolina-specific data.
Trust for America’s Health
Trust for America’s Health issues an annual report, The State of Obesity, indicating trends in health outcomes for each state and its counties. Find data related to South Carolina.
USDA Food Environment Atlas
The USDA collects data on food environment indicators to stimulate research on the determinants of food choices and diet quality and to provide a spatial overview of a community’s ability to access healthy food and its success in doing so. Find statistics on South Carolina and its counties.
Feeding America
Feeding America has produces an interactive map of food insecurity estimates around the United States. Find the latest South Carolina data related to food insecurity and hunger.
No Kid Hungry
No Kid Hungry aims to solve the problems of hunger and poverty through advocacy and community grants. Find facts about hunger and poverty and who has received a No Kid Hungry grant.
USDA Food and Nutrition Services
Find information and data related to SNAP, WIC, meals for school and childcare, summer nutrition programs and many other programs administered by the USDA that increase access to nutritious food.
County Health Rankings & Roadmaps
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation provides support for the County Health Rankings and Roadmaps program to the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. Find data specific to states and counties related to health outcomes and health factors.