Wholespire is pleased to announce that four staff members received their certification in Results Based Accountability (RBA), a disciplined way of thinking and taking action to achieve a desirable outcome. Meg Stanley, Kelsey Sanders, Jaci Williams Foister and Genita Green participated in 20 hours of online course modules through Clear Impact, followed by a group project and presentation to achieve the certification.
“Becoming certified in and using RBA will strengthen the staff’s ability to live out our organization’s mission,” said Wholespire Executive Director Meg Stanley.
After learning about it from partners at the South Carolina Office of Rural Health, SC Department of Health and Environmental Control, and the South Carolina Hospital Association, Stanley became interested in RBA.
“Oftentimes and especially in public health, we address complex issues that require multiple partners with different approaches to achieve a common outcome,” said Stanley. “I believe RBA will strengthen collaboration and consensus among partners and provide Wholespire with a new approach, a new way of thinking to reach our goals, aspirations, and strategies as outlined in our strategic plan.”
RBA is a system created by Mark Friedman that uses an approach of starting with the end in mind and working backward to the means. During the planning process, the desired outcome(s) is identified, and staff put their heads together to determine what work needs to be done to reach the desired outcome and to create the measures to assess the results.
“We’re used to creating action plans to help us reach our goals, but we don’t always consider data measurement. So, when a goal isn’t met, we automatically assume the strategy or program is a failure,” said Stanley. “With RBA, we take a deeper dive into our day-to-day work. We think about how much we did, how well we did it, and if anyone is better off. By measuring our work, we can then determine what adjustments need to be made moving forward.”
RBA is a crucial part of improving an organization’s impact on its community. It helps to slow down all the action and get in tune with those being served, if what you are providing is effective, and if the way it’s being delivered is effective. Whether in small, more personal communities or workplace organizations, it’s a more compelling outcome for overall goals and allows the group to work together more effectively.
Follow us on social media to keep up with how Wholespire incorporates RBA principles to make our community and workplace healthier and unified. And to learn more about RBA, visit Clear Impact.