Investing in communities is key not only to economic development, but also to community health and lifestyle improvement. It is a common view that more money is the answer to addressing community health, but just how big of an investment is necessary to make a difference? ESMMSC’s Kelsey Allen will expand on this topic at the 2019 Investing in Community Summit, December 3-4, at the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center.
During her presentation on Thursday, December 3 at 3:00 p.m., Kelsey will provide lessons learned from the Let’s Go! South Carolina project and how ESMMSC has used those lessons learned to make lasting change happen in communities across the state. In Let’s Go 3.0: How small amounts of funding can lead to lasting change, Kelsey will talk about the idea behind the Let’s Go 3.0 project – small amounts of funding and targeted technical assistance can potentially create a ripple effect of momentum and investment into a community.
Now halfway through the Let’s Go 3.0 project, the initial results are in: these small investments of up to $5,000 have shown promising signs of increasing access to healthy foods and places to be active in communities around the state. This session will share two case studies of mini grant projects that have led to policy changes in their communities. In addition, the session will end with practical tools and resources to incorporate policy and advocacy strategies into community health improvement. This session can be found in the Invest SC track.
The 2019 Investing in Community Summit will highlight the role of capital access in addressing the systemic barriers we face to building strong, equitable communities. Join SC Community Loan Fund for this two-day summit to learn about projects, resources, and policy efforts that support underinvested South Carolina communities. Connect with funders, hear from a cross-sector group of speakers who are working to make an impact across our state, and gain the knowledge and tools needed to invest in your community. Register online today!