Eat Smart Move More South Carolina (ESMMSC) is conducting a study of our state legislators to examine their perceptions of the relative importance of different public health issues. You can play a key role in helping us by emailing your legislators today and asking them to complete our short survey. Our goal is to get 30-40 legislators to respond.
This is ESMMSC’s first call to action over the coming months. We look forward to working with you to make the healthy choice the easy choice. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact Phil Ford, Manager of Policy, Advocacy, and Community Support at phil@eatsmartmovemoresc.org.
3 Easy Steps to Take Action
1. Find your legislators on the SC State House website.
2. Email your legislators through the SC State House website.
3. Copy and paste our message into the online form:
Dear Legislator:
Please complete the public health survey that was sent to you earlier this month from Eat Smart Move More South Carolina (ESMMSC), a nonpartisan and nonprofit organization that is working across SC to make the healthy choice the easy choice.
ESMMSC and partners will be using the information to develop district-specific educational materials to aid in your decision making as it relates to your district’s public health interests.
I have included the questionnaire link below. The questionnaire takes approximately five minutes to complete. All of the information you provide will be maintained securely. If you are willing to sign the survey, it will allow for more district-specific resources to be gathered and prepared for your use.
(Your Name)