Legislative Watchlist

Legislative Watchlist

The South Carolina State House at dusk.

SC State House Update: Bills are moving and new relationships are happening

We are actively engaged in advocating with our SC State House legislators to include health in all policies.

H.5022 Healthy School Meals for All

Representative Shannon S. Erickson (R-District 124), Representative Beth E. Bernstein (D-District 78), Representative Jay West (R-District 7), Representative Patrick B. Haddon (R-District 19), Representative Jason Elliott (R-District 22), Representative Bill Hager (R-District 122), Representative Mark Smith (R-District 99), Representative Tim McGinnis (R-District 56), Representative Micah Caskey (R-District 89), Representative Ashley B. Trantham (R-District 28), Representative Heather Ammons Crawford (R-District 68), Representative Paula Rawl Calhoon (R-District 87), Representative Val Guest (R-District 106), Representative Neal A. Collins (R-District 5), Representative Bobby J. Cox (R-District 21), Representative Sylleste H. Davis (R-District 100), Representative Tom Hartnett (R-District 110), Representative Case Brittain (R-District 107), Representative Craig A. Gagnon (R-District 11), Representative Coach Hayes (D-District 55), Representative Bill Herbkersman (R-District 118)

This bill seeks to ensure that all public school students receive two meals per day while at school. It provides guidelines for eligible schools to participate in the USDA Community Eligibility Program and establishes a state-level reimbursement program for ineligible schools. The bill also ensures all students have ample time to eat lunch by extending the lunch period to 30 minutes.

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S.148 Healthy School Meals for All

Senator Katrina Shealy (R-District 23), Senator Stephen Goldfinch (R-District 34), Senator Mia McLeod (I-District 22), Senator Harvey Peeler (R-District 14), Senator Josh Kimbrell (R-District 11), Senator Thomas McElveen (D-District 35), Senator Mike Fanning (D-District 17), Senator Ronnie Sabb (D-District 32), Senator Kevin Johnson (D-District 36), Senator Micahel Johnson (R-District 16), Senator Brad Hutto (D-District 40), Senator Margie Matthews (D-District 45), Senator Penny Gustafson (R-District 27) and Senator Deon Tedder (D-District 42)

This bill seeks to ensure that all public school students receive two meals per day while at school. It provides guidelines for eligible schools to participate in the USDA Community Eligibility Program and establishes a state-level reimbursement program for ineligible schools. The bill also ensures all students have ample time to eat lunch by extending the lunch period to 30 minutes.

H.4655 Physical Education and Physical Activity in Schools

Representative Patrick B. Haddon (R-District 19), Representative Tommy Pope (R-District 47), Representative Gilda Cobb-Hunter (D-District 95), Representative Melissa Oremus (R-District 84), Representative Jermaine Johnson (D-District 70), Representative Neal A. Collins (R-District 5)

This bill seeks to provide support for 4k-8 grade students in meeting the recommended amount of health-enhancing physical activity by providing physical activity opportunities and quality physical education for all children in South Carolina public schools. The bill also ensures that indoor physical activity and physical education are provided to students during inclement weather.

H.3121 Recreational Trail Easement Income Tax Credit

Representative Max Hyde (R-District 32), Representative Jerry Carter (R-District 3), Representative Brandon Newton (R-District 45), Representative Mike Neese (R-District 44), Representative Travis Moore (R-District 33), Representative Tommy Pope (R-District 47), Representative Heather Bauer (D-District 75), Representative Sylleste Davis (R-District 100), Representative Mark Smith (R-District 99), Representative Mark Willis (R-District 16), Representative Gary Brewer (R-District 114), Representative Robby Robbins (R-District 97), Representative Raye Felder (R-District 26), Representative Leon Stavrinakis (D-District 119), Representative Spencer Wetmore (D-District 115) and Representative Micah Caskey (R-District 89)

This bill seeks to provide for an income tax credit to a property owner who encumbers his property with a perpetual recreational trail easement.