If you’ve ever used Options for Action on the ESMMSC website, you know the value of the resources listed on the page, but you also know the settings, or topics, were limited. Today, ESMMSC is launching a newly redesigned Options for Action featuring more strategies, more settings, and more resources!
Options for Action is a clearinghouse of state and national resources that anyone can use to benefit coalition work. It was created in 2010 with the help of SC DHEC to provide one place for public health coalitions and partners to find strategies, best practices, and promising practices for implementing policy, systems, and environmental change related to healthy eating and active living.
So what’s new about it?
- The look. If you like Pinterest, you’ll love the new Options for Action.
- The keyword search function. You can easily find resources based on focus area and strategies by simply typing in a keyword.
- The filters. Have you ever shopped online and used filters to find exactly what you were looking for? You can do that with the new Options for Action.
Check out the new Options for Action today, but keep in mind that you might run into a kink or two. If that happens, please let us know so that we can correct the problem. Also, if you know of a resource that would be good for Options for Action, send us an email. We’ll check it out and add it if it’s a good fit!