The health of a community can depend on the civic participation of community members in the decision-making process. There are a wide range of activities that foster community well-being, strengthen democratic institutions, and empower people to make a difference. Here are some meaningful ways to stay engaged within your community:
Participate in local government meetings
Attend public meetings like city and county councils, school boards and public comment hearings to get first-hand knowledge and stay informed about local issues, voice your concerns, and learn more about the decisions affecting your area. By attending and even speaking up, you contribute to the health of a community by informing policies, especially around community health, education, safety, and infrastructure.
Join community boards and commissions
Many cities and counties have advisory boards or commissions that provide valuable insights on areas like health, transportation, housing, and youth services. Serving on one of these groups not only deepens your knowledge but gives you a direct role in shaping the health of a community through the development lens. Civic bodies often seek people with varied perspectives to bring fresh ideas into discussions. Look for notices in your local newspaper and on social media
Volunteer for local organizations
Volunteering lets you address specific community needs through action. Whether it’s joining a local nonprofit focused on nutrition security, supporting youth programs, or advocating for healthier neighborhoods, volunteering helps communities thrive. Beyond contributing hours, volunteering builds empathy, strengthens connections, and can be a pathway to lasting relationships and the health of a community.
Engage in advocacy and policy change
If you’re passionate about an issue, consider advocating for it. Advocacy can be as simple as writing letters to elected officials, organizing petitions, or collaborating with Wholespire and others to push for policy, systems, and environmental (PSE) changes. Advocacy campaigns can help secure funding for local projects, reduce barriers for underserved groups, or create new opportunities for youth, families, and seniors.
Support local media and stay informed
Staying informed is key to understanding and addressing community needs. Subscribe to Wholespire’s newsletter and local newspapers, watch for community updates, and follow reputable local journalists and organizations on social media. When community members stay informed, they help keep local governments and institutions accountable.
Start or join a community group
Sometimes, small groups of residents can drive meaningful changes. You could start a group or join an existing coalition that advocates for safer parks, works on civic action projects, or promotes physical activity and nutritious food resources. Community groups can bring people together to create solutions-focused action plans, mobilize around shared goals, and ultimately help to make the community a healthier place for everyone.
Mentor youth or participate in youth engagement programs
Youth engagement programs that encourage civic involvement are critical for fostering long-term community health and resilience. By mentoring young people or supporting youth-led initiatives, you help shape a new generation of engaged citizens. If you work with students, engaging them in the policy change process teaches invaluable skills and brings fresh perspectives to the health of a community. Wholespire helps communities engage with youth through The HYPE Project®, coaching and technical assistance.
Get involved with community planning or visioning efforts
Many communities offer residents a chance to weigh in on their long-term vision. Public planning sessions, workshops, and surveys allow residents to give input on future projects, like new parks, affordable housing, and transportation networks. Oftentimes, state agencies, like the SC Department of Transportation, and other entities post these notices on social media. Your ideas can influence how your community develops and ensure it meets the needs of all residents.
Encourage civic engagement in your network
One of the best ways to expand civic engagement is to inspire those around you to get involved. Encourage friends, family, and neighbors to attend meetings, volunteer, or even run for local office. By building a network of active citizens, you contribute to a culture where civic participation becomes a shared, community-wide responsibility.
Civic engagement is a continuous commitment to improving our communities and creating a more inclusive, responsive society. Whether by volunteering, advocating for policy change, or mentoring youth, every action we take contributes to the health of a community and creates a lasting legacy of positive change. So, let’s get involved, stay engaged, and inspire others to join us in building a healthier South Carolina!
At Wholespire, we’re in the business of inspiring you and your neighbors to engage with each other to make South Carolina a healthier place to live. And whether we’re discussing how to do that with our family, friends, or even strangers in the grocery line, the most important time and place to make that a reality is when you vote. There are so many different ways to be engaged with your community and in the end the surest way to affect change is to show up on election day and tell ‘em what you think. Using your vote as your voice is your most important way to engage in this weird but cool thing called Democracy.
But before you show up at the voting booth, there’s a whole lot of hard work that goes on before you get there. We must have the tools to get educated on the issues, educate others if they’re willing to listen, and then make our voices heard. And that’s where Wholespire comes in!
Engagement…and Not the Wedding Kind!
There are so many ways to get involved these days but two of the most effective tools in your healthcare toolbox are civic and community engagement. Let’s talk about what those are and why you should be doing both.
Being “engaged” is a choice. It’s an active choice actually and it’s how folks from all different walks of life who care about access to healthy choices and outcomes here in South Carolina come together to make change. Civic engagement is a singular and personal approach to influencing how your local and state governments affect that change. Speaking at or attending a city council or school board meeting, advocating for issues you care about by serving on the school board or the PTA: these are ways we traditionally think about civic engagement. Then there’s that “group stuff” or community engagement where you collaborate with other community members and then collectively, you act on and propose what you want to see in your community. Common examples of this kind of engagement can include taking part in community or public meetings, focus groups, community assessments, even online surveys.
Both civic and community engagement are equally important to creating thriving, healthy communities here in South Carolina. When you exercise your right to vote and get involved with community health coalitions and other organizations like Wholespire, you are a vital, even essential, player when it comes to influencing government decisions.
Why Engagement and Voting Depend on Each Other
Being actively involved in your community by voting is often seen as your civic duty. Sadly voting is a fundamental right way too many South Carolinians take for granted. But there are actual health benefits to exercising your right to vote. Studies continue to show us individuals who vote and actively participate in community engagement tend to report better health outcomes than those who do not vote or engage with their neighbors. So how and why do voting and engagement depend on each other?
If you’re engaging with your neighbors or community leaders, you’re more apt to learn about existing community resources that can lead to opportunities for physical activity and access to nutritious food. So many folks here in South Carolina have resources nearby they don’t even know about. Older folks and/or folks with disabilities may not know there is public transportation to get them to that farmers market. How do you find out? It’s easy! Just pick up the phone and call your local elected officials (you know, the ones you voted for or against) and ask them! You’d be surprised at the resources out there. All you have to do is ask.
Or you can just hop on the web and do a search: “where can i buy fresh fruits and vegetables in my neighborhood?” And boom, you’ll have the resources. If you live in a food or medical desert and don’t have access to these resources, that’s when your engagement kicks in. Reach out to your local leaders and ask them why you don’t have the resources you need to live a healthier and more active life. You can even contact us here at Wholespire! We have huge resources to guide you into a healthier lifestyle.
So while the relationship between voting and engagement can lead to endless personal and community benefits, the key here is your level of involvement.
Your Health and Well Being are Already Being Debated…You Just Don’t Know it
Often there are healthy initiatives already on the ballot and/or being debated by elected officials at the local, county or state level. Healthier outcome proposals like multimodal transportation that provides everyone access to pedestrian walkways and bikeways or new parks or other recreation spaces like greenways and trails: these are debated everyday by city and county councils. You already have access to local officials, which means you have opportunities to develop relationships and influence local policies and development projects. You can attend council or board meetings to voice your concerns about issues that affect you and your community. The question is: are you doing that?
Civic and community engagement are based on the belief that everyone has a stake in the health of their community and that active participation can bring about significant change. Voting alone won’t do it and just being engaged but skipping election day won’t give you the quality of life you deserve. So the ball is in your court. Engage, educate, get educated, be fearless and relentless, and go vote for a healthier South Carolina!
Change can be difficult for many people to accept, especially when they are unaware of the plans to create change or have not been asked for their input. By not involving the people impacted by the change, you risk alienating community members, losing support for future projects, and having less impactful project outcomes.
Community engagement, also referred to as feedback, input, involvement, or participation, means including community members in the decision-making, planning, and evaluation of projects. To ensure that projects and policies are relevant, successful, and long-term solutions, it is important to get the community’s opinions and active participation in the process. Community engagement is essential for policy, systems, and environmental (PSE) changes to effectively improve community health.
The level of community involvement can have a big impact on the success of your PSE project. The table below illustrates the range of community engagement. In the end, it is up to you or your coalition to decide how much community involvement you require or desire, as well as who to ask to participate. Wholespire suggests the following actions:
The benefits of community engagement
Identifies community needs.
Reinforces that a need exists.
Identifies community leaders who can help overcome cultural and social barriers.
Gathers community feedback from groups or individuals who are often overlooked.
Increases the value of the PSE project.
Drives equitable access to healthy eating and active living resources.
Increases sense of community, empowerment, and inclusion.
Creates the opportunity and openness for change and growth.
Improves overall health outcomes
Choose Consult, Involve, or Collaborate. These levels ensure community participation, drive equitable access, and make health outcomes more likely.
Involve people who are often overlooked. It’s easy and convenient to invite the usual people you identify with. Be more inclusive by inviting community members from diverse backgrounds, especially those who will be impacted by the project.
Listen to and incorporate the feedback. Listening to community members is great, but using their feedback is imperative. This step improves trust and morale and encourages future engagement and interest in community health improvement.
Most community health coalitions conduct community health needs assessments to determine what’s important to community members and what they need most to lead a healthy lifestyle. Oftentimes, your local health department or hospital may have administered a community needs assessment that you can request. If, however, a needs assessment is not available to rely on for direction, there are other ways to evaluate the community’s opinions and needs. Online surveys and community meetings are easy and low-cost alternatives.
Everyone plays a role in the health of their community. Get your community members involved in planning and implementing PSE change projects. They will point out obstacles and solutions that might not have been brought up before. And don’t overlook the younger generation. Who better to assist in making decisions about changes that affect them?
It’s safe to say that most of us would like to see some sort of change in our communities and the world at large, but maybe most of us don’t know how to make that change happen.
While community betterment work may seem daunting, who will do it if you and your neighbors don’t? Plus, making a change where you live is one of the most fulfilling things any person can do.
There is a famous quote about change. Margaret Mead reminds us to “never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
If you’re looking to make a difference and create change in your community, read on for some inspiring ideas.
The Best Ways to Give Back
There are many ways for you to give back to your community and help to improve it, and all of them involve one or more of the following three things: Time, effort, and generosity.
Whichever you feel you have or can give the most of, start there. For example, if you’re able to, donate money or resources to a local charitable cause. If you have extra time on your hands, get involved in grassroots advocacy or volunteer your time to help influence policy and create systemic change. Below are some more ideas for getting active in your community.
Youth Engagement Programs
Perhaps the best way to create positive change in your community is by reaching out to its youngest members and offering your knowledge, skills, and experience. If you can influence the youth of your community, you can influence the future of your community.
Community Health Initiatives
Nutrition and physical health have a direct impact on mental and emotional health. The consequences affect all the individuals in your community as well as your community as a whole. Seek better community funding for health initiatives, engage in food insecurity advocacy, or advocate for better community training. These are just three examples of how you can address systemic issues in your community and help make a difference.
Community Celebrations
Few things bring people closer together than tradition and celebration. If you can help organize a celebratory event for your community, you may open the door for more serious work to get done.
No one way of giving back to your community is necessarily greater or more effective than another. What’s important is that whatever you choose to do speaks to you.
The Ripple Effect of Trying to Make a Difference
When you take the time to engage with your community and make a difference, you inspire other people to do the same. Those people will then aim to “pay it forward” and make a difference themselves, and so on and so forth.
You may only be one person with limited time and resources, but the ripple effect of the good you do will reach far beyond yourself. Start that ripple effect today and get involved in community initiatives.
If you’re ready to get involved, contact us today and we can connect you with a community leader!