The Lexington County HYPE Team used their influence to encourage students to eat breakfast at school.
Virtual Youth Summit: A Successful First
Holding an in-person event is something ESMMSC staff knows how to do, but a virtual event was uncharted territory.
SC Approved to Implement Online Food Purchasing with SNAP Benefits; DSS Approves Healthy Bucks Increase
SNAP recipients will have more access to healthy food at Walmart and Amazon, and at local farmers markets that participate in the Healthy Bucks program.
Food insecurity takes center stage during COVID-19 pandemic
More than 100 partners have collaborated on a resource webpage and nearly 6,000 people from across the country have visited it.
Leadership Summit postponed due to pandemic, online education opportunities coming soon
Webinars will replace the annual conference this year with the help of partner input.
Columbia youth lead healthy changes at Pine Grove AME Church
The HYPE Team worked with leadership to adopt policies and get healthy.
Pelzer church is making a difference in the community
Shady Grove Baptist Church is changing the food landscape for members, visitors, and the community.
Nearly $31,000 Awarded to 8 Communities
Round 4 of the Let’sGo! 3.0 Mini-Grants will impact thousands.
The Census and Healthy Living
You may not realize it, but the US Census actually has a direct impact on how federal programs receive funding.