The S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control is partnering with the Alzheimer’s Association South Carolina Chapter, The American Heart Association and Eat Smart Move More South Carolina to raise awareness about Alzheimer’s disease and brain health.
10-Year Anniversary Spotlight: Susan Collier
As Communications and Marketing Committee co-chair, Collier was instrumental in the development of the organizational brand, including the logo and website.
Small Businesses, Local Economies Reap the Benefits of Active Communities
Ten South Carolina municipalities are experiencing a growing economy thanks to pedestrian- and bicycle-friendly infrastructure improvement projects.
Registration is Open: 5th Annual Youth Summit – #beyondthehashtag
Register for the Youth Summit today! Sponsorship, exhibitor, and other marketing opportunities are available.
Disabilities training emphasize healthy eating, active living inclusivity
Adults living with disabilities are three times more likely to have heart disease, diabetes, or cancer, and are more likely to smoke, be obese, and be inactive.
Hub City Farmer’s Market is making strides with SNAP and Healthy Bucks
SNAP incentives are increasing access to fresh fruits and vegetables and supporting local farmers.
10-Year Anniversary Spotlight: Lynn Dabney Hammond
Lynn Dabney Hammond, knows the importance of partnerships in the development of an organization and the direction of its work.
Columbia City Council Adopts Comprehensive Vending Food Service Policy
City of Columbia employees and visitors will have access to healthier food choices.