This initiative, funded by the BlueCross® BlueShield® of South Carolina Foundation, will build off the successes of SCORH’s Blueprint for Health program and Wholespire’s Let’s Go 3.0 mini-grant initiatives.
Leadership Summit Takes on Youth Summit and other Major Changes
The first virtual Leadership Summit features three keynote speakers, the Youth Edition, pre-conference activities, and tons of concurrent sessions.
SC School for Deaf and Blind Implements Fountains of Health Project
The Fountains to Health project focused on increasing access to water for students and community members who use the school’s outdoor facilities.
Third Round of AME Churches get Funded for The HYPE Project
Eight AME churches were selected through a competitive application and review process to receive mini-grants and form church-based HYPE teams. Find out who they are!
New ESMMSC Board Members Bring New Perspectives
The three new board members bring specific expertise and add to the diverse make-up of the board, a focus area that ESMMSC has been addressing more intentionally.
Increasing Access During a Pandemic
In 2020, ESMMSC pivoted to remote work and continued to have an impact on communities across South Carolina.
Keystone Substance Abuse Services Completes Walking Trail Loop
York County rehab center trail becomes a tool for patients in recovery and for workplace wellness.
Options for Action Gets a Pinterest-like Look
More than 280 resources can be found on the new webpage from capacity building and assessments to implementation and evaluation.
Pandemic Presents Challenges and Opportunities for HYPE Teams
AME HYPE teams made adjustments during the pandemic to continue their healthy eating and active living projects.