Race Equity Resources

by | Jun 2, 2020

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Why is community feedback an important piece of PSE change?

Change can be difficult for many people to accept, especially when they are unaware of the plans to create change or have not been asked for their input. By not involving the people impacted by the change, you risk alienating community members, losing support for...

Decoding Jargon: 6 essential Wholespire terms to know

Have you ever left a meeting thinking, ‘I have no idea what they said’? Maybe you started working on your grant final report and don’t understand what’s being asked. That’s probably because of jargon—language used by people within a particular profession, culture, or...

If you are interested in learning more about how to incorporate racial equity into HEAL community work, we have compiled a list of resources for you. This is not exhaustive by any means but meant to be a place to start. If you are interested in discussing further, we would love to speak with you. Contact us.

Tools & Trainings to Use in Coalition Work:

Additional Reading, Listening or Watching: