Many communities below the federal poverty line are receiving funding and technical assistance support to build healthier environments.
Race Equity Resources
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If you are interested in learning more about how to incorporate racial equity into HEAL community work, we have compiled a list of resources for you. This is not exhaustive by any means but meant to be a place to start. If you are interested in discussing further, we would love to speak with you. Contact us.
Tools & Trainings to Use in Coalition Work:
- The Welcome Table. The staff of Wholespire participated in this process. You can read about our experience here.
- The Alliance for a Healthier SC Health Equity Resources Page. Find equity metrics embedded in each of the priority areas of the Alliance, a Call to Action for Health Equity, and resources to improve health FOR ALL in our state.
- The American Public Health Association Webinar Series. The APHA webinar series on Racism as a social determinant of health begins June 9, 2020.
- The American Public Health Association Racism and Health Resource Page
- County Health Rankings Webinars
- Race Equity and Inclusion Partnership. This a group of local and state agencies, community organizations and nonprofits, and others who are working to incorporate REI into organizational practice.
Additional Reading, Listening or Watching:
- Netflix Documentary: 13th. The Wholespire staff watched this together several years ago.
- The 1619 Project. The NY Times published this podcast series about the legacy of slavery in America.
- The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander
- The Warmth of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson